The right way to disagree

    To disagree is America’s favorite past-time. We’ve actually based our entire political system on the idea of opposing forces keeping each other in check. Still we can all agree on one thing, shit is fucked up. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a total pessimist but shit really is fucked up, you know it and I know it. There’s a reason your momma used to tell you things like, ‘Life isn’t fair’ and ‘It’s a cold world.’ So we accepted this and did our best to navigate this modern jungle knowing that even if we did everything right things could still go horribly wrong.
  Only recently I’ve to begun question what I once considered absolute. Whether we choose to call it yin and yang or good vs. evil(notice how both of these words are just one letter away from God and the devil but we’ll get back to that later) we see it reflected in our everyday lives. It’s as simple as night and day or man and woman. The world wasn’t meant to be dominated by one race, gender, and socio-economic class (RICH white men.) Yet for most of modern history it has been, consequently shit ain’t been right for some time. We’ve replaced the organic checks and balances nature gave us (different races, genders, beliefs and classes) with artificial ones (RICH white men arguing with each  other about what’s in their own best interest.)
  So here are just a few changes you can make in your everyday life to help reverse centuries of pure unadulterated fuckery.
  • ·         Acceptance: It’s always the first step because you can’t fix a problem you won’t even acknowledge. America, it’s time to wake up. We have a problem and doing the same ol’ thang ain’t working. Remember we were supposed to be the land of promise and new ideas where all men were created equal and people were judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. Well that’s not happening. It’s not happened in the history of anywhere and we’re no exception. The great thing about us is we’re free to admit it. So don’t get mad at Kaepernick when he calls the national anthem a lie, because it is. It’s not land of the free and home of the brave. It’s stolen land with an economy built on slave labor. Telling the truth about something doesn’t equal hating it. My mother showed she loved me by correcting me when I was wrong. Love and blind obedience are not the same thing.
  • ·         Stop judging people based on how they look: This has never worked but we’ve stuck to it like flies on shit since the beginning of civilization. We come up with these arbitrary rules about how people are supposed to dress so we can ostracize anyone who doesn’t squeeze themselves into the category someone else decided for them. Yet no matter how many times we're shown that this system of pre-judgement is unreliable we continue to insist upon it. Millions of people are scammed, hoodwinked, and bamboozled out of their life savings every freaking day because they trusted a slick talker in a nice suit. Forcing each other into these rigid boxes just encourages us not to think for ourselves or really not to think at all. Most of the time we don’t even understand why we’re judging each other by these ridiculous standards except that it’s the way we’ve always done things. We tell women to cover their bodies in the name of respectability as if what you wear has anything to do with being respected. Beyoncé and Serena Williams are two self-made women who happen to dress scantily clad when they feel like it and are arguably two of the most well respected business women of our time.
  • ·         Mind ya damn business except for when it matter- It never ceases to amaze me that the country collectively lost their shit regarding who gets to use which crapper but made nary a peep as rapist were given little to no time after being convicted(See 10 thought for 20 minutes: Brock Turner.) How the hell can you argue that co-ed bathrooms would result in women being rapped but be silent when a women is actually raped and her attacker barely gets a slap on the wrist? Do we only care about hypothetical bathrooms rapes but not actual rapes? It would seem so. Then you have the assholes who were all hush hush when it came out that certain priest were molesting kids but nearly laid an egg when gay marriage was legalized. How the fuck can anyone care more about what other grown ass people do with their genitals than what a trusted community leader is doing to innocent kids?

I don’t pretend to have all the answer but by making these simple adjustments we’d be off to a start.


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