The "War on Police"


I’d like to address the accusations that have been hurled at the #BlackLivesMatter in a transparent attempt to stifle a peaceful movement. It’s reverse psychology. In some cases the police have been outrageously overzealous, unduly aggressive and ultimately have treated peaceful protestors, including small children, as criminals.  So in an effort to justify their behavior a few crooked cops are trying to paint their victims as criminals.  Of course this is not true for all police and there have been several cases where good and decent cops have stood up against corruption. It is true that power corrupts and I have a great deal of respect for the honorable police men and women who put their live on the line every day and still manage to stay humble. It is a sacred charge they are burdened with in which at times they hold the very power over life or death, freedom or imprisonment in their very hands.  It is enough to cause a mental breakdown or worse a godlike complex. Many police officers are the epitome of every day heroes and that is more than commendable but they are not gods.

  Lots of them are good some of them are bad.  The problem is when we convince ourselves that they are all good. It’s sickening to contemplate but some of them are simply criminals. Yet there is a concentrated effort by right wing extremist to undermine an honest movement aimed at exposing corruptions and promoting accountability. For instance many FOX “News” outlets promote the notion that the #BLACKLIVESMATTER movement instigates violence against police when in fact police fatalities are near an all-time low.


     So it’s only common sense to ask why CERTAIN police would be shooting unarmed people, sometimes in the back, several times. Especially when many of the cops happen to be white and their victims happen to be black. While it is not noticeably prevalent everyone knows there are racists people in this imperfect world and it’s only natural that some of them would to be employed as police officers. That means some police, judges and prosecutors let their personal biases interfere with their job performance. Instead of addressing this MAJOR issue some people believe a person on the simple strength that they wear a uniform, have a title or carry a badge.

  Unless you’re of the believe that black people have the innate ability to kill a person with their very stare it only makes sense to ask why a person entrusted with the right to kill would shoot an unarmed person. If an organization charged with the protection of this nation’s citizens can get away with murdering those same citizens we are headed towards dark days. Bullies love fresh meat so if they are allowed to torment this nation’s black citizens they will eventually go in search of different game. They are animals. There is a reason the police are called a force. It is our duty as citizens to insure they remain a force for good by exposing the few criminals within their sacred ranks.

Decent people must take a stand against corruption because far too often wicked people fake a stand. For example Scott Lattin, a 45 year old Whitney, Texas man actually staged a hoax claiming #blacklivesmatter activist vandalized his car because he’d painted “Police lives matter” on his back windshield. Turns out Mr. Lattin vandalized his own truck and proceeded to collect 6,000 in charitable donations to repair the vehicle damage by his own hands. Thankfully good and decent police officers did their due diligence and exposed this con-artist’s fraud so that he could be charged with filing a false police report. Now if only reporting false news was a crime.

Oh and by the way there was recently an attempt at war on police in this country. A rancher by the name of Clive Bundy broke the law and allowed his cattle to graze on government land for several years. When he was presented with a citation for his offense he not only refused to pay he assembled a rag tag band of heavily armed low lives and prepared to go to war with the police, the government, and the president. I don’t like tickets any more than the next person but I don’t threaten police with weapons when I get one. Fox “News” cheered him on all the way. So let’s recap, if you’re black and are pulled over for a minor traffic violation like failure to signal as Sandra Bland was a cigarette is considered a weapon. But if you’re white you and a gang of rebels can point high powered assault rifles at the police and walk away Scott free, any question?


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