No seriously why can't we all just get along.

 I’m really asking because it’s apparent that we can’t. And if we can’t get along what’s so hard about leaving each other the fuck alone, at the very least not murdering each other in vast numbers for no reason. For example I can’t stand spiders. They creep me the hell out and due to my phobia of them I can’t even look at pictures of them without catching the heeby jeebies. That being said I have absolutely no desire to seek out and destroy all of the spiders in the world. I don’t even care to destroy all the spiders in my house, unless they run up on me. As much as I detest them I accept and understand their right to exist as well as their importance in the grand scheme of things so I have a strict, I don’t mess with them, they don’t mess with me policy, in regard to my arch nemesis the spider.  If I can understand this about gross, disgusting, creepy ass spiders how come humans can’t show each other the same courtesy?
   I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the shooting. Which shooting you ask? Perhaps you’re wondering whether I’m referring to the shooting at the high schools, the elementary school, the movie theater, the church, the medical clinic, or the military bases. I’m not referring to any of those. I’m talking about the recent shooting at the night club. Which recent shooting at a night club you may still wonder? My point is not to minimize the horrifically tragic massacre that took place at Pulse night club in Orlando Florida but to point out yet again that this shit is getting way to common.
  Please excuse my French because I know I’m doing a lot of cussin’ but I’m just tired of this foolishness steady carrying on. I truly wish that I could be shocked by this shooting but I’m not I and neither are you.  Why is the probability of a Trump presidency more shocking to us than another mass murder when history makes it clear that senseless bloodshed and blind allegiance to the prospect of tyrannical dictatorship (The law of self exclusion is dangerously at play here) is the status quo in this country and pretty much the world? Some blame fear, calling this new shooting the result of homophobia which implies the murderer had a crippling fear of gay people. Only that can’t be true because I have arachnophobia so even if I were suited head to toe in spider proof armor, armed with semi-automatic Raid shooting pistols, Raid grenades and a blow torch but you still wouldn’t catch me in a room full of spiders. So if he was truly afraid of gay people he’d have avoided them at all cost.
  Others name hate the culprit in man’s long history of senseless violence but I can’t fully accept that either. You see I hate people who go out of their way to turn their eyebrows into a mockery of human facial expressions. I fully understand that it’s their face and they have every right to walk around looking like a jack ass but it just bugs me. How am I supposed to have a serious conversation with someone who shaved off their natural eyebrows and drew some kind of weird squiggle above their eyes? I’m not talking about folks who take the time to expertly shape their brows with trims, brushes and kits as long as the rendering is that which resembles the human face. And of course I’m not mad if you choose to rock the brows God gave you. But these sum bitches who wake up in the morning and take time out of their day to construct a travesty right above their eyes are a menace to society
  I’m open minded so if anyone does this I’d be interested to hear your reasoning. Is it supposed to be some king of statement? If so what is it? Because I refuse to believe anyone could mistake some of the shit I’ve seen as human eyebrows. You get it, I hate weird eyebrows and the people who choose to startle and confuse others by drawing them on their faces. Still weird eyebrows and all I manage to show every human person respect. I don’t want to kill people who are creepy weirdos to me any more than I do spiders.
  Finally some say that common sense gun reform is the answer to all that ails us and while I agree that gun reform is loonnngggg overdue it will not solve all of our problems. You see the sort of lunatic who’d orchestrate these seemingly random massacres will not be deterred by anything so paltry as common sense much less the law.  If a clever and determined maniac wants people dead he will make them dead. Period. That doesn’t mean we should make it easy for them. Speaking of the maniac, the malcontent, the lunatic and most ominously the gun men please understand at one point they were each just like the rest of us. Yet they each were particularly susceptible to a society that relishes in violent domination and covert subjugation. This crippling ideology of division has held the human race back for thousands of years as we repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

  Mankind would gladly see the world perish due to a petty competition within our own damn species, OUR OWN DAMN SPECIES. Then other species of plants and animals have to suffer for our crimes against nature as we destroy the earth and ourselves. Over and over hubris has laid waste to history’s greatest civilizations yet we continue to fester in it. I guess we just like drama because we’ve been doing the same ol’ us against them nonsense since the beginning of recorded time. We just can’t seem to do things as easy as minding our own business, (try it, it’s literally doing nothing.) In short the human race in general sucks. So in the infamous words of Rodney King, “Can’t we all just get along?” Sure it sounds corny now since it was memed to death before memes were even a thing but in reality it was a rallying cry for peace from a man whose brutal beating by law enforcement was the catalyst in a nationwide uprising. We humans suffer a deep seeded self-loathing that causing us to despise one another and ultimately ourselves. Unless we get to the root of it we are surely doomed…


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