David Wong, You've Done It Again!

The other day I ended up stopping by Half Priced Books in Tacoma, for no real reason actually.  I was just browsing, killing some time when low and behold what should I see but a brand spanking new title from one of my favorite authors: David Wong.


I didn't even know he had a new release.  Total fan failure on my part, I know, but stumbling upon this newly released book was like Christmas come early!  I was absolutely thrilled.  I knew this would be the perfect read for an upcoming work week that I anticipated would be especially busy.  See, Wong's writing is just the type of delicious, guilty pleasure reading that you can wind down and veg out with.  After enjoying his first two novels, I was very anxious to get started on his latest.  Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits did not disappoint.

Overall, I gave this book four out of five stars on Goodreads.  This is only because it didn't quite live up to his last book, The Book Is Full Of Spiders: Seriously Dude, Don't Touch It, in my opinion.  I still really, really enjoyed it though.

The main thing that I adore about David Wong's writing is that even though his books are crazy fun, action-packed thrill-rides he still manages to incorporate something thought provoking, profound and sometimes even inspiring in each of them.  In FVAFS this moment comes in the form of the following quote:

"And that," said Will, "is what Arthur wanted me to show you."
"That your cool magic trick is really just a bunch of tedious repetition?"
 "Yes.  That, right there, is the difference between the heroes and the nobodies.  The difference between people like you and people like me.  People like me know that there is no magic.  There is only the grind.  Work looks like magic to those unwilling to do it."
He slipped the coin in his pocket and tugged down his sleeves.
"I get it, I'm lazy, I'm stupid, I'm-"
 "You didn't hear a goddamned word I said.  You say you're not a hero?  Well, I'm going to tell you the best and worst thing you've ever heard.  Heroes aren't born.  You just go out there and grind it out.  You fail and you look foolish and you just keep grinding.  There is nothing else.  There is no 'chosen one,' there is no destiny, nobody wakes up one day and finds out they're amazing at something.  There's just slamming your head into the wall, refusing to take no for an answer.  Being relentless, until either the wall or your head breaks.  You want to be a hero?  You don't make some grand decision.  There's no inspirational music, there's no montage.  You just don't quit." 
Dude!  When I read this, I was on a plane heading back from Tuscon, and I just got so amped up.  Because that's what it's all about, you know?!  The grind is the only thing separating the doers from those who just dream about doing.  There is no fate or destiny or magic except that which we ourselves create.  And THAT is why we grind!

I was especially glad to read in the 'Afterword' that John and David would be back in his next book.  I plan on doing a better job of being prepared for its release.  If you are interested in reading Futuristic Violence and Fancy Suits (which, if you're asking my opinion, I say definitely yes!) or are just curious about the man behind the non-magic you can check out: http://www.futuristicviolence.com/

Have you read this book yet?  If so, let me know your thoughts in the comments!


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