Listen up Hollywood!

    Everyone loves a remake of the classics because hey, why reinvent the wheel. Besides my grandmother was fond of saying “Ain’t nothing new under the sun” and we've all  heard the old adage that when it comes to storytelling there is only Shakespeare and the bible.  So often times “New” movies tend to be a remake or carbon copy of our favorites from yesteryear. Seeing as I often happily watch the same movies and television shows over and over again I don’t mind. Hell there are actually a few classics I wouldn’t mind seeing remade. So listen up Hollywood here are a few ideas as freebies. Hopefully they’ll be coming to a theater near me soon.

Coming to America 2-Eddy murphy who’s since graduated from African Prince to African King must now travel to America with his daughter to find her an American husband worthy of being a king. The daughter is reluctant to take a foreigner as her king but she desperately wants a husband who will see her as an equal and not undermine her opinions and ideas in regards to the running of their quant African utopia. She must navigate through a litany of men who do not realize they’re in the presence of a real life African princess and are often dismissive of her worth. Until she meets a Regal young man who is the air to a hip hop empire. The only problem is that his mother doesn’t think she is good enough.

      Hocus Pocus 2- The good witch. Those three bad witches are back to steal the youth of even more unsuspecting little children on all hollows eve. Only they make a big mistake when they steal the youth of a young gothic girls little sister. That young Goth happens to have been playfully studying the occult and is ready to go to war with the bad witches to bring her sister, and all their other victims, back from the abyss. It’s an arduous journey where the young gothic will learn a new appreciation for love and family and lament the day she ever thought of her little sister as a little bother.

Unbreakable 2-Come on guys you hit us with that awesome twist and just leave us hanging. This every day unbreakable hero has got to discover new and unforeseen powers as he trains with his son. All the while Mr. Glass is becoming quit the mad scientist in his quest to become unbreakable himself. Far away from prying eyes Mr. Glass has constructed an indestructible suit to cloak himself in as he goes in search of more unbreakables to dissect and use to heal his fragile bones. Once he starts his rampage only The unbreakable ones can stop him.(Yes introduce other unbreakables who’ve known about their powers longer and are more skilled)

 THE WIZ-Finally I might be the only one rooting for this but I would love to see a remake of the WIZ. My Fantasy cast would feature Beyoncé as Dorothy, Katt Williams as the cowardly lion, martin Lawrence as the tin man, and either Sisqo  or Christ brown as the scarecrow. Then get Eddie Murphy to top it off as the The Wiz! Of course the plot and original music should remain the same just with these characters performing. Sigh a girl can dream.


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