Facking It

Unless you’re the luckiest women in the world you’ve probably done it. You may have entered into that intimate dance with the highest of hopes and all of your nerve endings standing on end. Or your interest may have been luke warm either way your evening was well womp, womp. This can happen for a myriad of reasons. With all the stress we grown adults have to deal with it’s easy to let the mind stray from the task at hand. It’s hard to focus on ecstasy when you’re still thinking about that damn speeding ticket you got earlier and really can’t afford. What if they boot your car?  Another issue may be a certain lack of trust with a sexual partner like say hook ups or relationships on shaky ground. With women another issue may be the all too common slut shaming. As crazy as it sounds in the year 2015 there are still women and men out there who don’t believe a women should enjoy sex too much. And an interesting yet little known fact is that men fake orgasms too, que gasp.

  Here’s the deal. Sex is a sacred act and sometimes it just doesn’t get the respect it deserves. For example like many women my age I’ve had a few, just a few, random hook ups. Here’s why I didn’t make it a habit. Aside from fear of some life altering disease I had to fake it every time. I take responsibility to making the act a bit more awkward than necessary. I felt the need to point out that I didn’t do this often. Ladies don’t bother saying this. It like admitting you’ve done something you should be ashamed of and sounds insincere. Plus everyone says that so, yeah. If you’ve committed to the hook up that means you’re already there and already naked so you might as well enjoy yourself.
  Before you throw in the towel and give up before you’re satisfied try this, speak up and listen. Sex is better when it’s enjoyed by both parties. That is a fact. If you’re focused only on your own satisfaction and going through the motions like a robot know that you will get as good as you give. So while you’ll naturally want to do what feels good to you be sure to pay attention to your partner. Ask them what they like, tell them to show you. And tell them what you like guide them if you need to. Literally take their hands or other body parts and put it where you want it. I know it’s not always easy as you may wonder, what will they think of me? Hey if you're already doing the butt naked hokey pokey ain't no need in being shame now. Life is about taking chances, you’ve already taken a major chance by literally merging your body with theirs, you might as well take the final leap to enjoy it. Just remember that both sex and your body is sacred. That means not everyone is worthy of it. If you feel shame and don't even trust your partner enough for true intimacy then maybe your not doing someTHING wrong but just doing it to THE WRONG PERSON. 

   Not everyone deserves you. I mean that for men too because you're not often told. So sure be charitable with your love, compassion and advice but not your body it's priceless. But hell we're grown so when you do see fit to share your body with another make sure you're comfortable, don't do anything you don't want to and make sure you trust them enough to tell them where to get on and where you get off!


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