Chocolate City: Caution this blog is HOT!

Hello Ladies,

  Now gentleman if you’re reading this particular blog I’m going to have to ask you to leave. You are welcome to read any other blog you choose but this one is strictly for the ladies. Well actually if you date men and are a man you may also stay.  So ladies and certain gentlemen make sure there are no men in the room. I’ll give you a minute to get rid of them. Are they gone? Okay, I want to take a minute to celebrate something truly spectacular about being a girl, naked men. And there is no better way to do this than with the awesome Movie that premiered on BET yesterday, Chocolate City, a movie that offers an intimate glimpse into the life of male strippers.

  Now usually I’m not too hot on male strippers. Most of the time their idea of a lap dance is to grind their crotch in your face. Ladies know that if you ever just have to get that “beef cake” shoved in your face you can get it for free. Plus I’d never been interested enough in male strippers to go check out the A squad. I’d only ever seen amateur night at local dance clubs and I never saw anything that could make me come up off my hard earned money. Again I’ve always felt like if I wanted to see a naked man it was going down for free. But Ur Umm the guys from Chocolate City could certainly squeeze a few bucks out of me.

  It may put you in the mind of Magic Mike, which had some pretty tasty eye candy as well but unlike Magic Mike where only ex-tripper Channing Tatum could dance all the Men of chocolate City knew how to serve it up. I’m talking Ginuwine, Tyson Beckford, Michael Jai White, Darrin Henson, Robert Richard and funny De'Ray Davis looking good and providing comedic release. Plus every kind of sexy man the human mind could possibly imagine. These guys had the innate ability to seduce with a single glance. Girlfriend as a writer I’m ashamed to admit that I do not have the words to describe how much you need to see this move so check out the clip, enjoy! 



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