Ode to Melania

  Why is everyone giving Melania such a hard time. I'm  sure she's just as eager for that crusty geezer to die of old age as the rest of us. Did y'all see how he pushed her during one of the unintelligible rants he calls speeches. That's just disrespectful. She should have pretended to stretch and yawn so she could accidentally on purpose knock his wig off.
   Better yet she should hide his wig glue. Better still she should take a picture of him at night with his wig off. She could hide his girdle. She could tie a 100 dollar bill to a string to trick him into pending over so he rips his pants. I'm sure she's already replacing his Viagra with Tic Tacs but she can bump it up a notch by taking the picture of Ivanka in a bathing suit from under his pillow. Take back your power Melania. America needs you.


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