Ain't it funny....

 Ain't it funny how black culture miraculously ends up in pop culture with out the benefit of black people. If you're a black person living in this country you've become desensitized to the lack of black faces in some of your favorite TV shows and movies. Anything else would seemed forced and weird. Just as all token black actors come off as either an over the top unrealistic interpretation of how the casting director sees black people. Or a realistic portrayal of how a black person who grew up around white people only would behave.
  Either way the shits insulting and most of the time I wish they'd just left the black person out. (You know how they do in real life). Only whether or not there is an insulting token in the show/movie you will certainly find black culture. I was watching one of my favorite shows, Rick and Morty. Yes there are embarrassing tokens but if we decided not to indulge in anything remotely racist we'd have to take to the forest, stay off the grid and learn to live off the land. In an undiscovered country because racism exists world wide.
  So since all of that would be too time consuming and unfair to us since we built this shit we gotta do as my main man Rick Sanchez says on the show, "Don't think about." At least for the duration of the show. So on Rick and Morty there has been more than one instance of hip hop music and dancing but while there's a black voice over you do not see any black people participating in the blackness.
   Perhaps they don't want to offend by having black people perform their own cultural songs and dances for fear of people saying, "Oh you have the only black people shucking and jiving." You'd think the real solution would be to just add more black people and display the full range of personality types we possess but what do I know.
  You see the same thing on Modern family along with a smidgen of casual racism. The father on the show is known for his purposely corny rapping as his son.
He also used to break dance and enjoys  fetishizing black women. Oh and there was a quaint little moment when two of characters discussed how they barely rebelled as teens by saying the only thing "bad" they did was the mail child getting a perm and the girl child dating the whitest Puerto Rican ever. The clear indication being that anything other than white would have been a fool rebellion.
    I could go on all day with this but I'll end with the newest Transformers. You had the over the top, not so bright black dude for comic relief. (That's an oldie but a goodie. We saw the same thing in Ghost Busters.) To offset the token black guy you had bubble bee do the shucking and jiving instead. Oh he was a dabbing and a dougying all theough the movie. Classy.
