The hypocrisy of #alllivesmatter and the #NRA

The press is hell bent on painting Black Lives Matter as a radical terrorist organization for it’s peaceful protests while ignoring an actual terrorist organization with a proven history of bombings, torture, and all manner of state sanctioned violence, the klan.  They accuse black lives matter of propagating a war against police while in the same breath espousing their rights to maintain a well-regulated militia to combat government tyranny. Unless that tyranny is directed towards America’s black citizens.
   How can the  NRA support the takeover of a government building by armed vigilantes only to turn around and demonize a 12 year old boy, Tamir Rice, who was shot by the police for having a toy gun in an OPEN CARRY state? Which is it NRA? Do you support citizens’ rights to bear arms? If so how can you justify an American citizen being shot by GOVERNMENT officials on the sole basis that he had a gun?  Perhaps it’s because white supremacy has started to believe its own hype. White supremacy contradicts itself on an hourly basis but because it believes in the inherent intellectual inferiority of the black race it assumes we don’t notice.
  Let’s cut the crap. Conservatives support Clive Bundy and his actual war on police for the same reason Clive Bundy believes, “Black people were better off as slaves.” They are not against tyranny. If so they’d admit that black people are living in the very police state that they stock pile weapons in preparation for. The same people who claim to be staunch believers in the 2nd amendment also share the beliefs of the men who wrote it, it doesn’t apply to black people.
  Another senseless murder has been committed by the very authority that’s vowed to protect and serve its citizens. There will be no shortage of people pointing the fickle finger of blame at the victim. It may come out that he had no license to sell the CDs found in his possession and apparently this is a crime punishable by death. Others will point to the fact that he had a gun as justification for his death and the NRA will be conspicuously silent. In a few months, weeks, or days perhaps there will likely be another unjustified shooting by police for a minor offense and the vast majority of America’s populace will enjoy a comfortable state of denial.
  That is until oppressed speak up. That is when the deniers of oppression will find their voice. They will employ their red herring and ask, “What about black on black crime?” What about it? What about white on white crime and what does either have to do with the oppression and degradation certain citizens are forced to endure at the hands of an authority charged with the sacred duty of protecting its peoples instead of acting as judge, jury, and executioner? What about liberty and justice for ALL? What about due process?
   These are the questions no one asks when a black man is gunned down for selling cigarettes, Freddie Gray. Or carrying a toy gun in Wal-Mart in an OPEN CARRY state, John Crawford III. The same NRA members who can’t wait to brandish actual, very real, assault rifles in Wal-Mart will not draw the parallels and see this as an assault on their liberty. I mean it was a nigger being shot, he must have done something wrong right? Because, you know, blacks are inherently violent which is why we should put the focus on black on black crime as opposed to the abuse of authority which enables crime. You see while the police are out harassing and murdering its black citizens for breathing actual crimes are being committed.

 Then you’ll have the idiots sharing stories about a white victim and a black perpetrator. I’m not sure if the people who propagate such nonsense are deliberately deflecting or just stupid. We all know human beings kill each other. The problem comes when there is no justice. The problem comes when black citizens are considered GUILTY until proven innocent instead of the other way around.  People don’t deserve to die for selling cigarettes, holding toy guns, or simply walking down the fucking street and yet so many have gotten away with murdering black citizens for these very reasons. One can try to justify these clear cases of murder with arguments that only serve to deflect but it really all comes down to the inherent belief that black lives don’t matter. But I guess Jessie Williams and countless others who actually do believe in liberty and justice for all are the real racists for daring to proclaim that Black Lives Matter just as much as others. 


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