Who Should Pay on a Date? 5 Types of Men to Look For

Ask the average American heterosexual woman that question; she'll answer: men. 

However, in a recent video, British television personality, Matthew Hussey, challenged that concept, saying that in the early stages of dating, men may pay, but they expect a woman to at least offer, as this shows a sign that she believes in being partners. 

He went on to say that as more dates are had, the dating relationship should evolve into equal sharing of payment, and women should treat their date as they would their "best friend," who they wouldn't expect to always pay for them. 

The Answer is: There is No Answer 

While Hussey's thoughts are valid, they only represent a certain percentage of men. Really, there's no way to answer the question: "Who should pay on a date?" This is because dating is so dependent on the two individuals on the date, what they want and expect, and what stage of dating they are in.

So, rather than using a blanket answer to the question, it's better to look at the type of men that a woman will encounter when it comes time to pay the bill and decide which one would be a good fit for you.

1. The Broke-Ass Beau

This is the man who shows up to your date with no intention on paying for you...or himself. 

When the check comes, he'll: 
  • look around; avoid making eye contact with the bill or you.
  • have some excuse about losing his wallet.
  • say he gets paid tomorrow and will pay for everything then.
  • tell you he spent all his money that day to keep his mother from being evicted, but he still really wanted to meet with you. 
This man has little shame and is often a user. He is one to be avoided, unless you're a woman who enjoys babying a man or playing sugar mama.

2. The Dutch Man

He believes in always going Dutch on a date. He will definitely pay for his meal and drinks but expects you to do the same for yours. 

He doesn't believe in paying for things for a woman unless she is his girlfriend, and even then he may not always pay for her, only on birthdays and anniversaries. Challenge him on this, and he may laugh off your concerns, saying comments like, "I thought women wanted equal rights?"

If you're a woman who believes everything should be equal in all aspects of dating, he'd be a great match for you.

3. The Godfather 

He wants you to make him an offer that he can refuse. This is the most common man you will meet. He has every intention to pay on dates, but he wants a woman to offer. 

When the check comes, he will pause before grabbing it to give a woman time to ask: "Would you like to split the bill?" In which case, he will respond "No" but will be glad you offered. Over time, he will expect you to share paying for dates.

If you enjoy letting a man pay for dates, but are happy to offer and possibly pay, you'd make a great "Godmother."

4. The Chivalrist

Chivalry isn't dead, but this guy is not common among millennial men. He has no desire for a woman to pay on dates. He believes that it is his responsibility as a man to pay fully for dates, and he enjoys doing so. 

If you're a woman who enjoys being spoiled, he is the man for you. 

5. The Prideful Chivalrist 

He is a chivalrist and believes, as a man, he should pay for dates, but he can become easily irritated if a woman does offer to pay. He will take this offer as a challenge to his manhood or his ability to pay, and this can easily turn him off. He is very difficult to pick out, until it may be too late. 

However, if you're the type of woman who knows you will never offer to pay and expect to always be taken care of on dates, you will mingle well with this man.

Date Someone Who Turns You On

The beauty of dating is that the process allows you to learn a person and see if they have qualities that turn you on or off. When it comes to paying for dates, this is just another opportunity for you to see what type of person your date is and if they'll be someone you'd like to continue dating.

Be honest with yourself and your date, and you'll end up with the person who is the best fit for you.

Happy dating!


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