
So being an adult is bullshit. Sure I’m grown so I can swear, drink, smoke and have consensual sex but to be quite honest I’m never certain that I’m doing any of those things right. Lean in kids and I’ll tell you a secret, I’m almost thirty and I’ve figured it out, we’re all faking it. Don’t get me wrong there are many things I’ve learned over the years and these things would have been very useful to me….five years ago. So if I had a time machine I’d be set.

    Still no one can tell me what to do about the future. Well except my mom, she’s always right but I flat out refuse to listen to her until my own ideas blow up in my face and I run screaming to her like a toddler. I know this is borderline mental retardation but it’s an integral part of adulthood. My point is the thing about adulting is that it’s remarkably similar to being a kid in that you’re not required to be an expert. The major difference is unlike pre-school if you hit a classmate they just tell your mom, if you hit a co-worker, even if they deserve it you’re going to be charged as an adult.

The point is we as “adults” have to stop being so hard on ourselves. Of course we have responsibilities and pressure. We get to the point where even our greatest dreams and richest fantasies feel like another chore. The problem is the kid in us never dies and literally hates the stuffy old bastard we insist on becoming. We should always remember the kid in us that couldn’t wait to be a grown up because of all the fun stuff we’d be able to do. Sure we also imagined we’d change the world, be an astronaut movie star and live forever and we’ve done none of that but that doesn’t mean we can’t still have fun.

  Now I’m not saying fuck all your responsibilities by leaving your wife and abandoning your kids because the latter makes you’re a certified monster but responsibility doesn’t mean we have to be stiffs. We had responsibilities as kids too. If we were lucky they were just finishing our homework or taking out the trash as opposed to the full responsibility over our own lives and perhaps even others but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it. Everything doesn’t have to be so serious. Of course some things are but not everything. So at the risk of sounding cliché let us never forget to stop and smell the roses.

Remember to walk outside barefoot sometimes in morning when the dew is fresh on the grass. Hell let’s remember to get outside. Don’t you remember when going outside was the end all and be all of your existence. Well when the last time was you just went outside. That’s all I’m saying scribe out


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