Things I did Instead of Write a Novel During National Novel Writing Month

Here we are.  December is under way and yet a burning questions remains... did I finish NaNoWriMo?  The short answer... No.  Longer answer?  Hell no.  Not at all, not by a long shot.  Oh well, there's always next year, right?

I did manage to make some pretty good progress in the story to include surpassing my word count from 2014 though, and I'm proud of that.  Perhaps this is one of those things that you get better at incrementally.  I sure hope so.  Anyway, while I didn't hit the 50k mark in my Viking novel, I still managed to have a pretty remarkable month.

So, here are some things I did in November besides write:

Saw Andra Day perform live in Seattle.  That woman knows she has a set of lungs on her!  (But more about that later.)

I ran the Las Vegas Rock'N'Roll Half Marathon, and hit a new PR.  I also ran the 5k in order to qualify for the remix challenge and score a sweet medal (because it is all about the medals after all).

One neck, three chains!

I can finally say I rocked the Strip at Night.  #bucketlist

I made a "Turducken" for Thanksgiving.

I call him Turduckenstein.  
He wasn't pretty, but he sure was yummy!
I've been wanting to try my hand a this three bird wonder since the first time I heard the name.  The end product was not exactly appealing to the eye, but my was it tasty!  Next time I'll work harder on getting the presentation part down.

I also realized that creative writing is still an art, and for me, the process is not one I can really rush.  While I did not "win" NaNo this year, I did manage to get more words down than I did last year.  I also managed to find a wonderfully supportive new online community along the way.  They helped me get over feeling like a total failure as well as explore new methods to find my own individual writing flow.  All in all it was a great month.

How was your November?  Hit up the comments section and share some highlights!


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