Blogoween: Are you afraid of the blog!

Good afternoon boys and ghouls welcome to blogoween. I will spin you a tale of horror and depravity for fun and I invite you to do the same. It is a contest of sorts. At this time we invite all souls to purge the wickedness from within. Bleed your pens until the very paper you torment screams with all the rest of us. The scribe implores you to share your nightmares if you dare. And so we begin with a character you may be familiar with. You may know him as The Keeper from the previous excerpt; His neck had been snapped by her dainty, satin gloved hands. The keeper would be the grim character with fire in his eyes, literally. What you may not know about the keeper is that he is ancient. He hails from a much harsher time and through the centuries his seemingly innate cruelty only grew but this is not yet his tale. It is instead the tale of an unfortunate soul who happened to incite his wrath….

    The sparling manner was more opulent than he’d ever imagined. He could not understand why Chazzmine would ever want to run away from this palace. To leave all this grandeur in order to wallow in the trenches with men such as himself was just stupid. He didn’t even like the company of men such as himself but as he looked at the great stone manor he knew everything was about to change. He could just feel it like a warm tingle in his soul. It didn’t matter that he was bruised and filthy after being sucker punched by that suit then left in the gutter. His bitch, Rhonda, hadn’t even bothered to rouse him before she dipped out in his fucking car. He had to be woken up by the cops after the catastrophe and they had the nerve to question him about it.

  As if he knew anything. As if he was anybody. But that was all changing. It had been a long bus ride and an even longer walk but he was about to get the come up he deserved. Of course he was nervous about coming here. He barely knew Correa, he was just the man’s valet. Sure he was the only one the powerful man trusted with his many expensive whips but he was not fool enough to think that meant anything. Also he was guilty of convincing the man’s daughter, Chazzmine, to run off with him but he could only pray Correa didn’t know his part in her flight. It was a chance he was going to have to take since the same rat who stole his car also made off with all the jewels Chazzmine had given him as payment for her room and board.

  He’d get his chance to serve that bitch eventually though. First things first, he rang the bell outside the manor’s great wrought iron gate. It seemed instantaneously the gate began to open, the screeching of the iron startling him. He thought very hard about turning and running away but he was tired of being afraid. So he took three deep breaths as the gate continued to open. He could just make out some sort of odd design in the iron. It was some kind of explosion. It was masterful. He’d never seen such a realistic design in metal, it was beautiful in a horrific sort of way.

   Before he knew it the gate was completely open and he had no choice but to put one foot in front of the other. It was another long walk past Correa’s Aston Martin, Rolls Royce and his personal favorite the smoke grey Lamborghini. Then there was the fountain replete with gargoyles spouting jets of water and the opulent gardens. All too soon he was trekking up the cobbled steps and had a mere glimpse of the explosion in Technicolor. The stain glass was an exact replica of the design on the gate. He saw it only for an instant but he was certain. It was ruined star, a super nova, the ultimate symbol of power.

  “Malik, how good of you to come. Please come in, the keeper is expecting you.” He didn’t respond. He was too busy trying not to jump out of his skin. Something was not right with the man on the other side of the door. His smile was beyond disturbing and made his face appear as if he was wearing someone else’s skin. Nothing overt, but noticeable because all his senses seemed heightened in his fear. It was not that the skin was loose or ill-fitting on whatever it was stretched over. It was just not right. Then whatever it was stopped smiling and looked completely normal right before it grabbed him and he was inside. For an instant he was distracted by lavish décor; silk tapestries and drapes, lace curtains, crystal goblets, and a suit of fucking armor. You know you’re rich when you have a suit of armor in your house.

  “Yes right this way,” said the thing. Now its face was stoic and it looked almost completely human but after today he was not fooled.

    “I am GA,” said the thing as it walked beside him. The thing called GA was attired in a pristine suit with ridiculous tails. A butler, the thing called GA was supposed to be a butler, a servant. He could not imagine what a thing such as GA might serve but he did not voice these thought. Then before he knew it, GA grabbed him again and shoved him through a door which promptly slammed behind him.

  “Malik,” he knew the unmistakable baritone of Correa instantly though he could only see the back of an exquisite leather chair, a magnificent oak desk, and a panoramic view of the grounds and gardens. “How nice of you to come, uninvited. To what do I owe the pleasure,” Correa finished

  “I know about y’all,” Malik blurted. It was the first thing that popped into his mind.

 “And I know about you,” Correa countered. “Where is Chazzmine?”

 “Y’all ain’t right, you, Chazzmine, that thing you got answering the door. It’s people looking for y’all. I could expose you.”

  Correa did not speak in response but his chair spun around. Then Malik was greeted with that unnerving hot orange star. He’d only ever seen Correa in dark glasses. Without those shades it was near impossible to look the man in his eyes. It was like staring at the sun.

  “Aren’t you clever,” Correa finally answered. “You got us. It appears we are at your mercy.”

   Malik’s heart was thudding in his chest. “Yeah,” he managed, a breathless whisper.

  “Yes, what are we to do,”

  “I ain’t bullshitting. People would be interested to know that this shit exist.”

“Who would believe you,” Correa answered casually as he came from behind his desk, eyes blazing.

 Malik almost lost his nerve but it was do or die at this point. “The federal investigators that I talked to after Chazzmine damn near leveled the city.”

  “Yes I am aware of today’s events I understand that the city was demolished. Chazzmine made putrid water shoot from every sewer within a five mile radius only to gather the storm clouds so thick that they obscured the sun whilst she dropped the temperature so that the water froze everything solid. Only to have her unleash the static charge from within those clouds to strike the solid ice with electric heat many building shattered as the bolts struck the earth but it is my understanding that everything has been put to rights, drink.”

   Malik was speechless as the crystal glass was shoved into his hands. He had not the foggiest notion of what Correa was referring to and it chilled him to the core. He’d thought the anomalies he’d witnessed were shocking enough but what Correa described was truly disturbing, he was not sure if what he described actually happened or if he was being threatened.

  “Of course you would have only a cursory memory of these events. I imagine you died for an instant beneath the frozen block of liquid human waste. Lucky for you the watchers have come with their advanced technology and, one of them at least, seems to give a fig about your barbaric people and your pathetic world. Drink.” Correa urged again taking possession of Malik’s hand and pressing the crystal goblet to his lips. Before he knew it the cool liquid was burning his throat.

  “Scotch, 20 year old, older than you but I believe you were making some sort of ridiculous threat.”

“It’s not a threat,” Malik countered weakly and there it was on Correa’s face. The smile that turned him from human to monster. His lips stretching over his teeth in an unnaturally wide and disturbing grin the same as the doorman, GA. He couldn’t help it, he jumped, and Correa’s laugh was even more unnerving than his wicked grin.

  “It’s funny that you should come here seeking to threaten me with no feasible means of making good on those threats. I like it, it’s bold. Then you have the bots in you. Those things that revived you from the frozen abyss. For your bravery and you rarity I shall not simply kill you as I originally planned.”

  “Rarity,” Malik answered seeking only to steer the conversation away from killing him.

“Yes rarity, you are a refreshing mix of unadulterated human stupidly and ingenuity not of this world. As you sit microscopic robots have merged with your very being. They have rearranged the matter that composes your cells in order to reanimate you which might explain your sudden bout of fleeting courage.”

“I…”Malik began

  “Please stop speaking your unique stupidity blocks one from marveling at the masterpiece you’ve become. It’s truly magnificent but there were others in the blast radius. Other humans that would have merged with the bots as they were on the brink of death. You are not the only hybrid we might seek to recruit so it is in your best interest not to continue to annoy us.”


  “Yes us,” The other called GA appeared from seemingly nowhere. Malik never heard the door open but suddenly it was slamming behind it, GA. “Not to worry Malik, I am of the opinion that Correa is seriously underestimating the unique benefit you could offer us,” It’s wicked grin was back as it grabbed his hand and he felt a tiny prick, that of a needle just breaking his skin. “We do require your consent for this, without your express consent we could just kill you.”

  “What say you Malik death or immortality? Is it not the very thing you sought me out for? You knew that to find me you would find either your end or a new beginning. You are a soul that seeks power over others and that is what we offer. You need only,” and with that Correa produced a document on weathered paper, yellow and tattered. The other called GA still held his hand and began to move it towards the tattered paper. Both of their inhuman eyes felling upon him in this moment, glowing ominously and he faltered, he gave a quick nod, and his bleeding thumb was pressed to the paper.

   A burst of twin laughter and then he was undone. It started from the paper that began to burn from top to bottom until it reached his hand only he could not pull away.The fire enveloped him but there were no flames, only him turning to ash and shattering into the dust like fragments. Then he was awake. It was quite but he could hear voices. It was them.

  “He was the one I am certain, both stupid and devious. Plus he has the bots in his blood but he is from this place so they will accept him. It’s perfect.”

  “I hope you’re right because stupid and devious seems a dangerous combination if you ask me.”

  “It would be were he not in our complete control, besides he now has an eternity to learn. Set him free and allow him to make his own way. He’ll recruit others before we bring him back to bend to our will. He will rise to king of this world yet be our slave. Cut him loose Correa. ”

  He shot awake upon a soft downy bed, silken sheets, and velvet drapes about his bed. A man servant was pulling open the heavy curtains so that sunlight streamed upon the women in his bed.

  “Good morning master Malik, you have a busy day ahead of you, shall I dispose of your guest.”

  Malik did not answer immediately as the events of the previous night were becoming a distant nightmare. Yet he could not recall how’d he’d gotten into this bed or who these women were. He rushed from the bed and to a mirror. His wild curls were tamed and tapered at the side. He wore heavy satin night clothes, well he wore the pants, and one of the women sleeping soundly in his bed wore the top. He was alarmed but could not recall why he should be alarmed.

  “Your suit, master and would you like me to dispose of the women now or would you prefer they join you for a shower before breakfast.”

  Malik still had no answer as he stared at himself in the mirror. Something was drastically different than when he’d last seen his reflection. Was he wearing makeup? He could have sworn he’d had scars before and his skin had never look so…perfect.

 “Are you well master, should I call a physician?” came the manservant as he stared at his reflection.

“Where are Correa and GA?”

“I imagine you associates and his manservant are in their respective home but if you wish I can summon…”


“Well then sir I shall leave you to your devices. Miriam will be up shortly with your breakfast and your car awaits you once you’ve dressed.”

 Malik could only look at the expensive Italian suit the man had left hanging in the Armour as the girls in his bed began to stir. What could he do but be showered by the beautiful and bubbly women who giggled as they rinsed the soap from his skin. Then he dressed and took his large sumptuous breakfast alone. When he was done he ventured out of the room to find another servant waiting for him. The man led him down gleaming oaken steps outfitted with a Persian rug.

  It was the best possible outcome of his venture. Here he sat creased up and pieced up in an Italian suit, Rolex and a host of diamonds as he climbed into the back of his Rolls Royce.It was better than death, wasn’t it, he pondered as the door shut on the back of the car and he could only wonder where he was being taken.


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