

   What is ambition? It is far more than just drive. It is the innate belief that the winds of fate might stroke the dying embers of one’s internal flame and set the path to success ablaze. The day to day struggles of mere survival can smother what once made us uniquely us. In our darkest hour it is pure ambition that stirs us from our slumber and gives us the strength to rise again. It is the god gene that separates man from beast. It is to lust for more than only continued existence, the innate quest for immortality through remembered deeds. Ambition like a gun is only as good or evil as its master. It manifest itself in many forms, this most malleable of tools, be it brute strength, sharp wit, or daring feats.

It is the drive to create. When I say the god gene I refer to that desire in us to see that we have wrought it and it was good. Good being relative to our own personal desires.  Unlike like the simple innocence of animals we thinking beasts seek to leave more upon the earth than the dust of our bones once our conscious has fled the flesh. In recent years this has led to the phenomenon of fame for the sake of fame. We want our names on the lips of future generation with reverence without the benefit of imparting any wisdom, be it a new invention or philosophy.

  This is ambition gone awry. It is important to remember that ambition is a gift from god and is not to be squandered on pure self-indulgence. No longer do we ask what our ambition might give to the world. We only wonder how ambition may lead to our own personal glory. Far too often people involve ambition in a sleazy affair with hubris. In our great country, we exist in a time where many (not all) of us do not have to be consumed with basic survival. Once our baser needs are met we begin to search for purpose and ponder the meaning of both our individual and collective existence. Many of us have been gifted with the realization that we do not exist for the sake of existence.

 We have always looked to the stars and pondered the mysterious of the universe. We have long sought to chart the cosmos in our seemingly never ending quest for the meaning of it all and that is the true nature of human ambition. Therefore I submit that with ambition comes the obligation to enlighten for despite popular belief we are not in this quest alone. Ambition is nurturing one’s individual gifts despite the very real woes the world might hoist upon our shoulders. Some old heads might be fond of saying ‘game is to be sold and not to be told’ and that has long been the way of the world. But the hoarding of knowledge stands as an insurmountable barrier to our evolution. Mankind stands upon the precipice of wondrous new beginning and the dark side of ambition might see our progress torn asunder if we continue to see each other as enemies for the sake of self-gain. If you seek to climb the highest mountain how will you make the journey easier for the ones who come after you and what exactly will do you be accomplishing at the top  Ask not what you ambition can do for you but what your ambition can do for world.

                                                                                                                                         Best regards, TheMadScribe


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