The Willie Lynch letter: The making of slaves

The act of enslavement is far more mental than physical. Of you must first obtain and restrain the "merchandise" in order to turn a free thinking human into a slave that you can bend to your will but the process doesn't end there. For you see a slave cannot be an effective servant if they're always in chains. The problem comes when you have to remove them from their shackles and must live in fear of their escape. Or even lie awake at night petrified that it is the night they come to murder you in your sleep. Now the obvious solution is to savagely beat and torture them if they try to run and kill them if they show even an inkling of malice towards you. But beating is ineffective and expensive if you damage the merchandise beyond repair and killing them leaves you right back where you started, with no one to do all work for you while you sit on your lazy ass. Forcing you off that same lazy ass to kidnap or purchase more people.
 These were the woes of your average slave owner in the days of yonder year until a man by the name of Willie Lynch revolutionized the game. Many doubt the validity of this missive, foolishly focusing on whether or not this speech was given on the banks of the James River, VA in the year 1712. But the fact is the manifesto details how to go from creating a slave to concurring a people. It simply reinforces the age old concept of divide and concur. I'll post a link to Lynch's model below but first I will highlight the most relevant aspects of the wicked man's dream so we can all see the ugly truth in this doctrine.First Mr. Lynch made grand claims to his listeners by saying. "In my bag here, I HAVE A FULL PROOF METHOD FOR CONTROLLING YOUR BLACK SLAVES. I guarantee every one of you that, if installed correctly, IT WILL CONTROL THE SLAVES FOR AT LEAST 300 HUNDREDS YEARS."
  He went on to quote the most basic principles of divide and concur. "I shall assure you that DISTRUST IS STRONGER THAN TRUST AND ENVY STRONGER THAN ADULATION, RESPECT OR ADMIRATION." Then he promised, " The Black slaves after receiving this indoctrination shall carry on and will become self-refueling and self-generating for HUNDREDS of years, maybe THOUSANDS. Don’t forget, you must pitch the OLD black male vs. the YOUNG black male, and the YOUNG black male against the OLD black male. You must use the DARK skin slaves vs. the LIGHT skin slaves, and the LIGHT skin slaves vs. the DARK skin slaves. You must use the FEMALE vs. the MALE, and the MALE vs. the FEMALE. You must also have white servants and overseers [who] distrust all Blacks. But it is NECESSARY THAT YOUR SLAVES TRUST AND DEPEND ON US. THEY MUST LOVE, RESPECT AND TRUST ONLY US. Gentlemen, these kits are your keys to control. Use them. Have your wives and children use them, never miss an opportunity. IF USED INTENSELY FOR ONE YEAR, THE SLAVES THEMSELVES WILL REMAIN PERPETUALLY DISTRUSTFUL"
  The sick Mr. Lynch offered the American Slave owner such methods as rape the black women in front of the black man to show him how powerless he truly was. He even highlighted the importance of impregnating her in order to create a race of hybrid slaves giving them power over their full black counterparts in order to breed dissent. Once you have humiliated both the male and female through the public rape you must then put the fear of god in the female. You must beat, torture and further humiliate the male in front of her. After she endures the rape and witnesses the beatings she will feel as if she has nothing and no one to protect her so she will cling to you, the authority, for protection. She will see the horror to which her children will be born and will do anything to protect them. For  while the male may still be prideful at this point there is nary a mother who will not set aside her very life much less her pride for the sake of her child.
  So she will teach her offspring to submit to you and only you. The child will cling not to the knowledge of his own forefathers but his masters. For the sake of there survival the race will learn to believe, accept, and reinforce there own inferiority. To those who disbelieve this missive ask yourself how many times you've seen the hashtags #teamlightskin #teamdarkskin? It might as well be #teamfieldnigger and #mastersbastardson or #housenigger. Or perhaps you've even heard black people state their own mistrust for other black people. Or my favorites black folk don't listen to classical music. Black folk don't read books. Some of us still believe in our own inferiority and it's beyond time for it to end.
   Black people like all people are the master's of their own destiny. The system may be against us but even as slave we managed to learn the language of the land and risked life and limb to learn to read that language in the wee hours of the night. Back then we knew that knowledge was the only true power. In a book you can learn the same secrets it took someone a lifetime to learn. With knowledge one could plan an escape route and make a living for himself once he was free. So why now that we are free to learn do we cower against obstacles far less gruesome than our forefathers. Through the centuries the fight has worn upon us and that was always the plan. But we cannot give up now that victory is just upon the horizon. We have many more tools to educate each other by sharing our knowledge and history. The internet is not just an engine for porn and beef. Let us educate ourselves to elevate ourselves, our future, our children, Amen 


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