The “friend zone”. First let me define it. The “friend zone”
is a made up term that describes the boundaries that one person usually sets on
another that restricts the existence of a romantic relationship or any sexual
activity. So basically the person only wants a platonic relationship, strictly
friends. What is wrong with that? Seems like men are more upset about this
fictitious zone than women these days, or maybe that’s just how it is in my
life. I mean I'm always down to high five and be friends yet apparently for the
men that keep crossing my path, it is an unacceptable. So this brings
up the hot button question, can men and women actual be friends?
The debate is out there. Most men say no, most women say
yes, and I'm on the fence with the issue. It would seem that in most situations
there is always someone who longs for more. It may not be right away but
eventually, one of the two in the situation will attempt to “cross the line” or
“make a move”. That can only go one of two ways: Awesome, “OMG the feeling is
mutual!”, or Awkward, “I wish you wouldn’t have done that!”. So what do we do?
Do we just stop trying to hang out with the opposite sex? Or can we find a way
to build bridges and get over it? What is so wrong with being friends with no
sexual benefits? I understand we are all animals, no matter how snobbish/intellectual
we think we are, so without the aspects of mating between the two sexes it
would appear that a friendship with no prospect of growing into more would be a
waste of time. So why would you want to hang out with someone who has no
potential of being your mate? Heterosexual people of the same sex hang out all
the time without thinking about sexual benefits and that doesn’t end their
friendships. I think you can still have fun with others without wanting to get
into their pants! It doesn’t always have to be about sex between men and women.
Homies, I love to high five! My sentiments may not be shared by others or by
the males that hope to pursue me only to find that the “friend zone” is not
where they want to be. I guess for the person who is on the other side, the “friend zone”,
is like starving yourself only to go to a buffet where you can’t eat but hey,
maybe the food isn’t the important part. Maybe the important part is being with
your friends and sharing experiences together.

So if you’re in the “friend zone” it’s not the end of the
world. Enjoy the time you spend with your friend and appreciate that someone
wants to be around you strictly for your personality. No pressure. No ulterior
motives. This really doesn’t have to be the death of your friendship. No need
for the dramatics. Can’t we all just . . . get along . . .
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