Diva on the go: Quick hair Trick
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Get this look in 10 min (Details below) |
Hello again pretty girls,
I extend this
greeting to ladies of all ages and ethnicities. As I said in my original
article we are all beautiful in our own unique way. Whether we be big or small,
light or dark, curly hair or straight. All of us are entitled to our own thing.
Too often I witness women disparaging each other over a gal’s individual style.
As a black women I’ve noticed the “perm shaming” abound since Chris Rock’s ‘Good
Hair’ hit theaters. As a women with extremely course hair I found the movie hit
home and had me questioning my own self-worth because of my penchant for
relaxers and hair extensions. It also brought to light the absurdity of the
term good hair which is popular in the black community. The phrase usually
describes a black person who has very fine loose waives instead of the course curls
of African ancestry.
Of course the fine
waves usually associated with mix ancestry are more in tune with American standard
of beauty but does it make them better. That like beauty is a matter of
personal opinion. Fine hair is also not necessarily more manageable or grows
longer so the movie did go far in the eradication of a nonsensical phrase like “good
hair.” Yet I also found it went a long way in the opening the door on a new set
of attacks on black women. Suddenly I felt shame for wearing a relaxer and
vowed to wear only braid until I grew the relaxer off and could sport a large
fro like Foxy Brown.
But who was I kidding
I liked that my hair changed like the direction of the wind. I liked wearing wigs
and weaves of different colors without having to dye and damage my own hair. I
loved being able to switch from short to long styles as well as rocking curls with varying
degrees of tautness. I get giddy just thinking about it. So I realized there
was no shame in who I was just as there was no shame in women who stuck with
their natural hair. Does that mean I’m brainwashed by the American standard of
beauty, perhaps. But so is every women who dies her hair, gets implants, butt
shots, collegian, Botox,
wears make up, gets a facial, etc. Ladies we’re
all in this together. Society puts a lot pressure on us to look good but that’s
no reason to turn on each other or let men like Chris Rock be the voice of our
issues. With that being said here is a shamelessly easy tip for a quick hairdo
intended for the diva on the go.
The first thing you'll want to do is mosey on down to your local Asian beauty supply once more. Again not a major chain like sallies. You won't be able to find this FreeTress phony pony (draw string synthetic hair pony tail) for the low price of 12.99
You'll also need a few other essentials like the famous brown hair gel specifically designed for my course hair texture.
You'll also need a few other essentials like the famous brown hair gel specifically designed for my course hair texture.
Then you'll need a couple of brushes
A few hair clips

Some holding moose
A rat tailed comb
Some hair glue and a few stray tracks. I keep them laying around but if you don't no need to buy an entire bundle because most Asian beauty supplies will sell extentions by the track for no more than ten dollars.

The rest is ridiculously easy. You part a section in the front of your hair no wider than the space between your eyebrows. Then you divide this section in three with the largest portion in the middle and leaving enough space on the sides to cover the tracks, separate these pieces from the rest of your hair using the clips. Then you apply whatever moisturizer you like to the unclipped portion of your hair and use the needle brush to comb into a pony tail at the top of your head.
Next you'll apply the holding moose, then gel, afterward you'll use your regular brush to make the mold neat and wrap w/ ponytail holder. Then simply clip the phony pony using the combs and pull the convenient draw string to tighten. Be sure to push the combs into your own hair and NOT into your scalp and there's no need to pull the string too tight. If it hurts when you first put it on it will only get worse through the day. Trust me I know. When you're almost done you should look something like this.
Then take your take your rat tail comb part a small section above each brown. Make sure it is thick enough to conceal a track within. You'll measure the length of the track against your parted section of hair. Take the base of the track and put against where your part begins. Use your finger to mark where you part ends on the track and keep your finger there when you move it away of your head. Cut the track where your finger ends. Then take the cut section of the track and measure it against your part to make sure it matches. Then just lightly squeeze your hair glue onto the wreath of the track being careful not to get glue on the hair and apply the track directly to the scalp between your parted hair. Repeat this on side. Lastly you'll use a curling iron to curl both your own hair and track. You'll curl the largest section of hair in the middle backward towards the phony pony and use a hair pin to keep it in place. Easy peasy, add a flower or whatever adornments your prefer and hit the town pretty girl.
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