Serendipity in Real Life

So I'm about to put my heart on blast. Ready? Okay here it goes and mind you I'm a Scorpio so this goes against everything I believe. There are many people that come into your life. I know not everyone is meant to stay. This is one person I knew I was meant to meet and hoped would stay. We met randomly, I won’t say where or it will give it away. Something about this guy though caught my eye. For whatever reason, I felt extremely comfortable with him. I could tell him just about anything. I wanted to be with him. He was just so ambitious, so intelligent, and so humble. Seriously, mind blown. I know I was meant to meet him. The little time I had with him had such a profound drastic change in my life, thinking, and heart that something like that couldn’t be a mistake. I know there’s a good chance I will never see him again. Probably never talk to him again, though I yearn for his communication. I know that he’s succeeded in sparking the energy in me to be even better than I had imagined. I told the universe to let it be fate. Guess only time will tell . . .


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